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Friday, July 9, 2010

Seahorse Beauty!

Long time no see - as they say.

I have been on holiday - it was great but exhausting and a story in itself, but i won't bore you. Let's get down to the nitty gritty.

MAC To The Beach collection - Yawn.

I spend so much on makeup and have a makeup vanity consisting of most of my lemmings now that its kindda hard to find products that are 'un-dupeable'. Anyway, I don't buy into hype and I am a makeup collector afterall (like some people collect dolls, or Swarovski swans etc.) I love hard-to-find stuff, so I had to get the seahorse highlighter. Partly, because I am also FANATICAL about scuba diving and saw a very rare baby seahorse in Samoa which was so very cute.

So yes, I bought it, and yes I don't use it, because I just like to- well,- look at it really :)

Next, I bought the ever sought-after Hipness Blush. I was told it would be a pinkier version of LE Instant Chic (pret a papier or whatever MAC collection) so i had to get it. I love pink - that is all. Anyway pink, PINK??? you've got to be lying it definitely is more on the coral-ly side compared to IC.

Anyway, instant chic was - MEH, and this is just, well - MEH. Completely and utterly dupeable - i can't see much of a difference between either of them really. And both are matte versions of NARS deep throat which i love but is S.P.A.R.K.L.Y.

1. MAC Pink Swoon Blush
2. MAC LE Instant Chic Blush
3. MAC LE Hipness Blush
4. NARS Deep Throat Blush

In conclusion, if you want a matte version of NARS DT - get either IC or Hipness but don't get both. I prefer DT in all cases.

Anyways, that's my two cents.....

More posts soon x

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