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Thursday, May 27, 2010

A New Me

Ok, i know, I know....I should be happy with what i've got :)

I feel like I have been on a lifetime mission for continual 'Fiffi' improvement. I wish I was thinner, I wish my face was less oval, I wish my forehead was smaller, I wish I had a better nose profile, and so on,....the list is endless. Maybe it comes from being bullied a lot at school - who knows?

The most dramatic change in appearance required major OMF surgery called BSO or bilateral sagittal osteotomy for lower jaw protrusion. I fully admit this was a complicated and painful procedure (attached with procedural/anaesthetic risk) and was performed for purely cosmetic reasons. I really didn't look that bad pre-operatively, but my god - the 'before and after' was quite a transformation (even my mother didn't recognise me). One day, when I am a little less vulnerable about the experience, i will post you pictures of my healing journey in all its gory detail. But right now, I am not quite ready yet. And although my 'after' pictures are AMAZING, the 'before' pictures of me (without makeup, in all my swelling and glory) are not so lovely. One day i'll show you and perhaps it might help someone else who might have to go
through what i went through, see the 'potential light at the end of the tunnel'!

Despite all this negative drama-of the school playground variety- it is all well and truly behind me. I am much happier with who i am and what i look like than I have ever been before. But- I guess, one can always benefit with some minor tweaks of improvement here and there.

I am totally in love with Miss Natty and Holly Annaeree (links below- pls check them out because they are both beautiful and amazing). I feel a funny affinity with Miss Natty- as we both totally love makeup and both have wonderful greek men in our lives.

So, because I am completely in love with their innate sense of style, I have booked an appointment with my hairdresser tomorrow to dye my hair Miss Natty's colour and have also just ordered Holly's gorgeous contact lenses from Lenscircle.com in blue, grey, brown and green. I wonder what the transformation is going to be like? I'll post the 'after' pics as soon as i can.....

The beautiful Miss Natty, visit her blog on..http://nattyngeorge.blogspot.com/

And the similarly gorgeous Holly (YTer and blog), http://hollyannaeree.blogspot.com/

:) Signing out.... with a mixture of trepidation and excitement.

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